An Outside Perspective

An "Inside Perspective" was a monthly newsletter that Philip Reardon wrote while he was in incarcerated for 30 years. As Our Father’s Persistent Love Ministries began to develop in the mid-1990s, God gave him physical prison exploits, situations as it were,  that he was then able to draw and apply spiritual truth from.  Through it, Philip tried to give people on the outside, a perspective of what it's like for prisoners to be in prison, especially for prisoners that were saved. Praise the Lord, by the grace of God alone, Philip served his 30 years with fruitful joy! What a missionary field it was! Now, as you may guess, he writes, "An Outside Perspective." Philip is very cognizant that he is nothing apart from Christ. He is really just an old shoe our gracious Lord has chosen to put His Spirit in. We pray that you might find a nugget or two of fresh manna as you read these vignettes. Be encouraged, the Lord is ever on the throne! (Psalm 115:1)


Outside Perspective